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Signature Dry Pork
Signature Dry Pork

Sliced pork marinated, then air-dried, yielding a savory, chewy texture with a balance of sweet and salty flavors. 切片猪肉经腌制后风干,口感香脆有嚼劲,融合甜与咸的美味平衡。

Khao Soi 泰北邓丽君咖喱饭或者面
Khao Soi 泰北邓丽君咖喱饭或者面

Thai noodle dish, creamy curry broth with mee pok, tender chicken topped with crispy goodness, a balance of sweet and spicy. 泰式面食,奶香咖喱汤底配面薄,嫩滑鸡肉,脆脆配料,酸甜辣味浑然融合。

Basil Minced Chicken with Double Grilled Chicken 九层塔鸡肉加烤鸡饭 /玉面
Basil Minced Chicken with Double Grilled Chicken 九层塔鸡肉加烤鸡饭 /玉面

Aromatic herb-infused chicken meets char-grilled perfection, served over comforting rice or jade noodles. Savory delight awaits. 芳香香草鸡肉与炭烤的完美结合,搭配米饭或玉面。美味佳肴等待着您。

Tom Yum Big Prawns & Lala Mama Noodle 泰国酸辣大虾面与蛤蜊
Tom Yum Big Prawns & Lala Mama Noodle 泰国酸辣大虾面与蛤蜊

Bursting with flavor, large prawns and clams combine in spicy, sour Thai broth with Mama noodles and Sous-Vide Egg. 充满风味,大虾和蛤蜊搭配香辣酸辣的泰式高汤,加入方便面和慢煮蛋,口感丰富。

Dry Pork Rice 泰式炸肉饭 - Choice of Signature Jade Noodles
Dry Pork Rice 泰式炸肉饭 - Choice of Signature Jade Noodles

Flavorful Thai-style dish with tender pork slices served over rice, boasting a delectable blend of spices and textures. 美味的泰式风味菜肴,将嫩猪肉片配在米饭上,融合多种香料和口感。

Yum Mama Noodle Salad w/Lala & Big Prawn 大虾与蛤俐沙拉拌面
Yum Mama Noodle Salad w/Lala & Big Prawn 大虾与蛤俐沙拉拌面

Thai instant noodles with clams and jumbo prawns, creating a savory and delightful seafood-infused dish. 泰式即食面配蛤蜊和大虾,营造出美味的海鲜风味料理。

*Introductory Offer* Signature Basil Jade Noodles w/Lala (Option upgrade to Hom Mali Rice)
*Introductory Offer* Signature Basil Jade Noodles w/Lala (Option upgrade to Hom Mali Rice)

A tantalizing dish featuring green noodles, aromatic basil, and succulent clams, combining freshness and flavor harmoniously. 一道诱人佳肴,翠绿面条搭配芬芳罗勒和鲜美蛤蛎,完美融合新鲜和风味。

*Introductory Offer* Signature Basil Jade Noodles w/Lala (Option upgrade to Hom Mali Rice)
*Introductory Offer* Signature Basil Jade Noodles w/Lala (Option upgrade to Hom Mali Rice)

A tantalizing dish featuring green noodles, aromatic basil, and succulent clams, combining freshness and flavor harmoniously. 一道诱人佳肴,翠绿面条搭配芬芳罗勒和鲜美蛤蛎,完美融合新鲜和风味。

Khao Soi 泰北邓丽君咖喱饭或者面
Khao Soi 泰北邓丽君咖喱饭或者面

Thai noodle dish, creamy curry broth with mee pok, tender chicken topped with crispy goodness, a balance of sweet and spicy. 泰式面食,奶香咖喱汤底配面薄,嫩滑鸡肉,脆脆配料,酸甜辣味浑然融合。